Yesterday's NY Times included an article reporting strains among New York couples with one partner in financial services given the impacts of the financial crisis. It wasn't clear whether the cause of the romance downturn was really a shortage of cash or of confidence; the last line speaks volumes:
“It’s not even about a $200 dinner,” Ms. Petrus said. “It’s that he’s an alpha male, he’s aggressive, he’s a go-getter, he doesn’t take no for an answer, he’s confident, people respect him and that creates the whole mystique of who he is.”
If it is the reduction in cash and in $200 dinners, you would think groups other than bankers would suffer similarly during recessions. (Doesn't $200 seem a little low for a banker? Maybe she meant a daily average, not a special night out.)
And you'd also think that the shockingly large 2008 bonuses dealt out on Wall Street would lift some (romantic) spirits.